Using Github Projects to Manage Software Projects

Using Github Projects to Manage Software Projects
Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi / Unsplash

Github Projects is a powerful tool for managing work and keeping track of progress. It allows you to create a visual representation of your work, including tasks, milestones, and progress. Here are some steps you can follow to use Github Projects effectively:

  1. Create a new project: To create a new project, go to your repository and click on the "Projects" tab. From there, click on the "New Project" button and select the template that best suits your project's needs. You can choose between a basic Kanban board, a automated kanban with triggers from an issue or pull request, or a scrum board.
  2. Add columns: Once you have created a project, you can add columns to represent different stages of your workflow. For example, you might have columns for "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." You can create new columns by clicking on the "+" button next to the last column.
  3. Add cards: Within each column, you can add cards to represent individual tasks or items. To add a card, click on the "+ Add card" button within the column. You can add a title and description to each card, and you can also assign the card to a team member.
  4. Move cards between columns: As you progress through your work, you can move cards between columns to reflect their current status. To move a card, simply drag and drop it from one column to another.
  5. Use labels: Labels are a great way to organise and filter your cards. You can use labels to categorise cards by priority, type of work, or any other criteria that is important to your team.
  6. Set due dates: You can set due dates for each card to help keep your team on track. You can set a due date by clicking on the card and then clicking on the "Due date" button.
  7. Use automation: Github Projects allows you to automate certain tasks based on triggers. For example, you can automatically move a card from the "To Do" column to the "In Progress" column when someone is assigned to it.

By following these steps, you can use Github Projects to manage your work effectively and keep your team on track. It's a great way to stay organised, collaborate with your team, and track your progress towards your goals.