The Scrum Of Scrums

The Scrum Of Scrums
Photo by Quino Al / Unsplash

A Scrum of Scrums is a technique used to scale the Scrum framework for large, complex projects that involve multiple teams. It is a way of coordinating the work of multiple Scrum teams working on the same project, so that they can share information, dependencies, and progress.

In a Scrum of Scrums, each team has a representative (usually a Scrum Master or a team member) who attends a daily stand-up meeting with representatives from other teams. During this meeting, the representatives share updates on the progress of their respective teams, discuss any dependencies or issues that need to be addressed, and coordinate their efforts to ensure that the project is moving forward smoothly.

The Scrum of Scrums meeting is typically shorter and more focused than a regular Scrum team stand-up, as it is intended to provide a high-level overview of the project rather than to delve into the details of individual tasks. It is typically held at the same time each day, and is an important part of the Scrum framework for coordinating the work of multiple teams.