Testing a Node.js Microservice with Mocks using Sinon.js

Testing a Node.js Microservice with Mocks using Sinon.js
Photo by Bekah Russom / Unsplash

Testing a Node.js microservice with mocks using Sinon.js involves replacing certain parts of the code that are dependent on external resources or services with a "mock" version of the code that is easier to control and predict. This allows you to test the rest of your code in isolation and ensure that it behaves as expected.

Here is an example of how to use mocks in a test for a Node.js microservice using the Sinon.js library:

const myService = require('./myService');
const sinon = require('sinon');

describe('myService', () => {
  let myDependencyMock;

  beforeEach(() => {
    myDependencyMock = sinon.mock();
    myService.__set__('myDependency', myDependencyMock);

  it('calls myDependency with specific arguments', () => {
    .withArgs('arg1', 'arg2')

    const result = myService.doSomething('arg1', 'arg2');

In this example, myDependency is a dependency of the myService module that is being replaced with a mock. The beforeEach function is used to set up the mock before each test. In the test, the doSomething method on the myService module is called with specific arguments and it's checked that the myDependency mock was called with the same arguments and returned 'hello'.

myDependencyMock.expects('method1').withArgs('arg1', 'arg2').once().returns('hello'); will set the expectation that the method1 will be called once with 'arg1' and 'arg2' and return 'hello'. myDependencyMock.verify(); will check if all the expectations set on the mock are met or not.

It's worth noting that, the specific ways to replace the dependencies with mocks may vary depending on the testing framework you are using, but the overall concept is the same.