Scaling Scrum With Nexus

Scaling Scrum With Nexus
Photo by John Schnobrich / Unsplash

The Nexus framework is a tool for coordinating the work of multiple Scrum teams working on the same project. It includes guidelines and practices for managing dependencies between teams, as well as tools and techniques for resolving conflicts and issues that may arise.

The Nexus framework is based on the following principles:

  1. The Nexus Integration Team: This is a team responsible for coordinating the work of the other teams and ensuring that the project is moving forward smoothly. The Nexus Integration Team consists of a Scrum Master and representatives from each of the other teams.
  2. The Nexus Sprint: This is a sprint that involves all of the teams working on the project, rather than just a single team. The Nexus Sprint is used to coordinate the work of the teams and ensure that dependencies are managed effectively.
  3. The Nexus Daily Scrum: This is a daily stand-up meeting for the Nexus Integration Team, where team representatives share updates on the progress of their respective teams and discuss any dependencies or issues that need to be addressed.
  4. The Nexus Sprint Planning Meeting: This is a planning meeting for the Nexus Integration Team, where the team discusses the goals for the upcoming Nexus Sprint and defines the work that needs to be done.
  5. The Nexus Sprint Review Meeting: This is a review meeting for the Nexus Integration Team, where the team discusses the progress of the project and identifies any issues or challenges that need to be addressed.

By following these principles and practices, the Nexus framework can help to coordinate the work of multiple Scrum teams working on the same project, and ensure that the project is moving forward smoothly.