Scaling Scrum With Feature Teams

Scaling Scrum With Feature Teams
Photo by Glen Carrie / Unsplash

In a Scrum environment with feature teams, teams are organised around specific features or capabilities rather than around specific technologies or components. This allows teams to work more independently, while still being able to collaborate and coordinate with other teams as needed.

There are a few key benefits to using feature teams in a Scrum environment:

  1. Increased autonomy: Feature teams have more control over their own work and can make decisions more independently, which can lead to increased motivation and ownership.
  2. Better focus: By focusing on specific features or capabilities, teams are able to concentrate on a smaller, more defined scope of work, which can lead to better quality and faster delivery.
  3. Improved coordination: Feature teams are able to collaborate and coordinate with other teams more easily, since they are working on related capabilities. This can help to reduce dependencies and ensure that the project is moving forward smoothly.

To implement feature teams in a Scrum environment, it is important to ensure that each team has a clear understanding of its scope of work and how it fits into the overall project. It is also important to establish clear channels of communication and coordination between teams, and to have a process in place for resolving conflicts and dependencies.