Reports used in Scrum

Reports used in Scrum
Photo by Isaac Smith / Unsplash

In Scrum, there are several reports that are used to track the progress of a project and ensure that the team is meeting its goals. These include:

  1. Sprint Backlog: This report lists all the tasks that need to be completed during the current sprint.
  2. Sprint Burndown Chart: This chart shows the progress of the team in completing the tasks in the sprint backlog. It is updated daily to show how much work is remaining and how much has been completed.
  3. Product Backlog: This report lists all the tasks that need to be completed for the entire project, in order of priority.
  4. Product Burndown Chart: This chart shows the progress of the team in completing the tasks in the product backlog.
  5. Velocity Chart: This chart shows the amount of work that the team can complete in a sprint, based on past performance.
  6. Impediment List: This report lists any obstacles or issues that the team is facing that are preventing them from completing their tasks.
  7. Sprint Retrospective: This report summarizes the team's performance during the sprint and includes feedback and suggestions for improvement.