Node.js Test With Chai

Node.js Test With Chai
Photo by René Porter / Unsplash

To test your Node.js code with the Chai assertion library, you will need to install Chai as a dependency in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install chai

Once Chai is installed, you can use it to write tests for your code. Here is an example of a simple test using Chai's expect syntax:

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;

describe('My Test Suite', () => {
  it('should do something as expected', () => {
    const result = myFunction();
    expect(result).to.equal('expected value');

In this example, we first require Chai and then use the expect function to create an assertion. We can then use any of the methods provided by Chai, such as to.equal, to specify the expected behavior of our code.

You can then run your tests using a command line tool like Mocha, which is a popular testing framework for Node.js. To install Mocha, run the following command:

npm install -g mocha

With Mocha installed, you can run your tests by using the mocha command in your terminal, followed by the path to your test file or files:

mocha test/my-test.js

This will run the tests in the specified file and display the results in the terminal. You can also use other command line options, such as --reporter or --timeout, to customize the behaviour of Mocha.