Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Photo by Chris Curry / Unsplash

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling Scrum to large projects that involve multiple teams. It is based on the principles and values of Scrum, but includes additional practices and guidelines to help coordinate the work of multiple teams.

Some key principles of LeSS include:

  1. Emphasising simplicity: LeSS encourages teams to keep things simple and focus on the essentials, rather than trying to add too many processes or practices.
  2. Fostering collaboration: LeSS encourages teams to work closely together and share knowledge and skills, in order to achieve better results.
  3. Prioritising customer value: LeSS emphasises the importance of delivering value to the customer as early as possible, and encourages teams to prioritise the most valuable features first.
  4. Building incrementally: LeSS encourages teams to build and deliver small increments of functionality frequently, in order to get feedback and make adjustments as needed.

To implement LeSS, organisations typically follow a set of guidelines and practices, such as:

  1. Establishing a shared vision and goals for the project.
  2. Defining a clear set of roles and responsibilities for the teams.
  3. Establishing regular meetings and communication channels between teams.
  4. Establishing a process for managing dependencies and coordinating work between teams.

By following these guidelines and practices, organisations can effectively scale Scrum to large projects, and ensure that the project is delivered on time and with high quality.