How to Prioritise efficiently in Scrum

How to Prioritise efficiently in Scrum
Photo by Edvard Alexander Rølvaag / Unsplash

Prioritisation is a crucial aspect of Scrum that ensures teams focus on delivering the most valuable work first. Here's how you can prioritise efficiently in Scrum:

  1. Engage the Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog. Work closely with them to understand the overall product vision, market needs, and customer feedback. Regular communication with the Product Owner helps align priorities with business goals.
  2. Understand User Needs: Prioritization should be driven by user needs and the value each feature or task brings to the users. Consider conducting user research, surveys, and feedback sessions to gain insights into what features are most important to them.
  3. Use a Clear Criteria: Develop clear and objective criteria for prioritization. Common criteria include user value, business value, effort required, technical dependencies, and risk. Assign numerical values or scores to each criterion to make the prioritisation process more systematic.
  4. Value vs. Effort: Focus on high-value, low-effort tasks or features first. This approach maximises the return on investment and ensures that valuable work is delivered early. Use techniques like the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) to classify and prioritise features.
  5. Economic Frameworks: Consider using economic frameworks like Cost of Delay (CoD) or Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) to quantify and prioritise work items based on their urgency, potential value, and effort required.
  6. Relative Prioritisation: Compare work items against each other and rank them in relative order of importance. Techniques like the Planning Poker or the Fibonacci sequence can help the team assign a relative value to different tasks.
  7. Regular Backlog Refinement: Schedule regular backlog refinement sessions where the team and the Product Owner review and adjust priorities. As new information becomes available, priorities may need to be revisited and updated.
  8. Empower the Team: Involve the development team in the prioritization process. Their insights into technical feasibility, complexity, and potential solutions can contribute to more informed decisions.
  9. Consider Dependencies: Be aware of dependencies between tasks or features. Prioritise items that unblock other work or create opportunities for parallel development.
  10. Iterative and Adaptive: Prioritisation is not a one-time activity. Reevaluate and adjust priorities at the beginning of each sprint during the Sprint Planning meeting. This allows the team to respond to changing conditions and feedback.
  11. Involve Stakeholders: Seek input from stakeholders, including customers, end-users, and business representatives. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights that inform the prioritisation process.
  12. Regularly Review and Adapt: As the project progresses, regularly review and adjust priorities based on new information, market changes, and evolving user needs. Be willing to prioritise if it makes sense for the project's success.
  13. Avoid Overloading Sprints: Limit the number of high-priority items in a sprint to ensure that the team can complete the work within the time frame. Overloading sprints can lead to burnout and compromised quality.

Remember that efficient prioritisation requires a balance between short-term goals and long-term vision. Regularly revisiting priorities and maintaining open communication with stakeholders and team members are essential for successful prioritisation in Scrum.