How to Create an Impediment List in Scrum
An Impediment List is used to track any obstacles or issues that are preventing a team from completing their tasks in Scrum. To create an Impediment List, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the obstacles: During the sprint, team members should identify any obstacles or issues that are preventing them from completing their tasks. These can include problems with tools, equipment, processes, or other resources.
- Document the obstacles: Create a document (spreadsheet, software, etc) that lists the identified obstacles, their description, and the person responsible for removing them.
- Assign a priority: Assign a priority to each obstacle based on its impact on the team's ability to complete their tasks.
- Update the list regularly: Update the list regularly as new obstacles are identified or existing ones are resolved.
- Review the list regularly: Review the list regularly as a team and during the daily Scrum meetings. Identify the actions that need to be taken to remove the obstacles.
- Use the list to remove obstacles: Use the list to remove obstacles and to improve the team's processes, tools, and resources.
- The Impediment List should be visible to everyone on the team and stakeholders.
- The Impediment List is a living document that changes over time as the team learns more about the project and the requirements.
- The Impediment List helps the team to identify and address obstacles that are preventing them from completing their tasks, and to improve their processes, tools, and resources over time.