Cypress Tests for JavaScript

Cypress Tests for JavaScript
Photo by Ferenc Almasi / Unsplash

Cypress is a JavaScript end-to-end testing framework, so writing tests for JavaScript applications can be done easily with Cypress. Here's an example of how you can write a test for a JavaScript application using Cypress:

describe('My JavaScript App', () => {
  it('should perform a calculation', () => {
    cy.get('#result').should('contain', '8');

In this example, the describe function creates a test suite, and the it function creates a test case. The test case starts by visiting the app's URL using the cy.visit command. Then, it uses the cy.get command to select the input elements for x and y values, and types in the values using the cy.type command. After that, it uses the command to simulate a click on the button, and finally, it uses the cy.get command to select the result element and uses the should('contain') command to check that the result element contains the value 8.

Cypress also provides a powerful set of debugging tools, such as the ability to take screenshots and videos of the test execution, and a browser-based GUI that allows you to see the test execution in real-time. Cypress also provides a built-in assertion library, so you don't have to use any external libraries for assertion.

It is important to keep in mind that Cypress tests are JavaScript code, so you can use any JavaScript libraries or frameworks you prefer to write your tests, such as Lodash, Moment.js, or even Jest. Cypress also has a good integration with other JavaScript testing libraries like Mocha, Chai and Sinon.

Cypress allows you to write tests in a synchronous way which makes the test code much more readable, and it's a big advantage of Cypress compared to other testing frameworks like Selenium.