Copy remote Docker image and data to build local test environments

Copy remote Docker image and data to build local test environments
Photo by George Lebu / Unsplash

To copy a remote Docker image and its data, you'll typically need to follow these general steps:

  1. Pull the Remote Docker Image: Use the docker pull command to download the remote Docker image to your local system. For example:
docker pull remote-image:tag

Replace remote-image with the name of the remote Docker image and tag with the specific tag or version you want to pull.

2. Run a Container from the Pulled Image: After pulling the remote image, you can run a container based on that image on your local system. This container will contain the data associated with the image. Use the docker run command:

docker run -d --name my-container remote-image:tag

Replace remote-image:tag with the name and tag of the image you pulled, and my-container with a name for your local container.

3. Copy Data from the Container: Once the container is running, you can copy data from it to your local system using the docker cp command. For example, to copy a file from the container to your local directory:

docker cp my-container:/path/to/container/file /local/path

Replace my-container:/path/to/container/file with the path to the file inside the container and /local/path with the path on your local system where you want to copy the file.

4. Save the Docker Image: If you want to save the pulled Docker image for later use, you can use the docker save command to export it to a tar archive:

docker save -o image.tar remote-image:tag

Replace remote-image:tag with the name and tag of the image you pulled and image.tar with the desired name for the tar archive.

5. Transfer Data to Another System: If you need to transfer the copied data or the saved Docker image to another system, you can use any standard file transfer method such as SCP, SFTP, or a shared network location.

6. Load the Docker Image on Another System: On the target system, use the docker load command to load the Docker image from the saved tar archive:

docker load -i image.tar

This command will load the Docker image into the local Docker registry on the target system.

7. Run a Container from the Imported Image: Finally, you can run a container on the target system using the imported Docker image:

docker run -d --name my-container imported-image:tag

Replace imported-image:tag with the name and tag of the imported Docker image and my-container with a name for your local container.

These steps should allow you to copy both the remote Docker image and its associated data to your local system and transfer them to another system if needed.