Chai Asserts In Node.js Testing

Chai Asserts In Node.js Testing
Photo by Simon Hurry / Unsplash

Chai is an assertion library that provides a variety of ways to write assertions about the expected behavior of your code. It includes a number of functions and methods that you can use to specify the expected output of a given piece of code.

Here are some common examples of Chai assertions:

  • expect(value) Asserts that the value is true.
  • expect(value) Asserts that the value is false.
  • expect(value) Asserts that the value is null.
  • expect(value) Asserts that the value is undefined.
  • expect(value)'string'): Asserts that the value is a string.
  • expect(value).to.equal(otherValue): Asserts that the value is equal to the other value.
  • expect(value).to.have.lengthOf(length): Asserts that the value has a particular length.
  • expect(value) Asserts that the value has a particular property.
  • expect(value)'array'): Asserts that the value is an array.
  • expect(value)'number'): Asserts that the value is a number.

These are just a few examples of the many assertions that Chai provides. You can find a complete list of the available assertions in the Chai documentation:

To use Chai in your code, you will need to install it as a dependency in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install chai

Once Chai is installed, you can require it in your code and use the expect function to create assertions. For example:

const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
