Basic Node.js Test With Mocha

Mocha or Node.js Mocha Tests
Photo by Carli Jeen / Unsplash

Here is an example of a test written in Mocha, a popular JavaScript testing framework for Node.js:

const assert = require('assert');

describe('my test', () => {
  it('should run a test', () => {
    const x = 1;
    const y = 1;

    assert.equal(x, y);

This code defines a test using Mocha's describe and it functions. The describe function is used to group tests together, and the it function is used to define an individual test.

The test itself uses the assert.equal function from the assert module to check that the values of x and y are equal. If they are not equal, the test will fail.

To run this test, you would use the mocha command in your terminal, followed by the name of the file containing the test:

$ mocha my-test.js

This will run the test and print the results to the screen. If the test passes, you should see something like this:

  my test
    √ should run a test

  1 passing (10ms)

If the test fails, you will see an error message indicating why the test failed.

That's it.. Well the basics anyway.